How to Prevent Suicide | Depression and Suicide

How to Prevent Suicide Blog 96 At present time, suicide has become a normal thing & it's not a sign of prosperous society. According to WHO, in every 40 seconds one suicide happens in the world. Being a progressive society, [...]

By |2022-06-28T10:30:12+05:30July 8th, 2019|Exclusive Blogs, Stress|0 Comments

Why are Childhood Memories so Strong

Blog 57 Importance of Childhood Memories in Life Everyone have some childhood memories. There are always positive and negative childhood memories in everyone’s life. We never know that in what situation, we remember which kind of childhood memory. Sometimes, we [...]

By |2019-07-06T12:05:18+05:30February 4th, 2018|Exclusive Blogs, Motivation, Stress|0 Comments

Have a Walk Through Such Beautiful Place for Ultimate Peace

Blog 50 Walk Through Such Beautiful Place for Ultimate Peace In our 50th blog , I'm going to talk about peace and harmony of life . I am going to share quite easy and simple way to get ultimate peace [...]

By |2019-07-06T12:24:37+05:30December 21st, 2017|Exclusive Blogs, Happiness, Health, Stress|0 Comments

Don’t take yourself so serious all the time

Blog 38 There are many cases all around the world, where, there is quarrel/fight between two parties/persons and the root cause is 'exchange of dialogues' between them, which they take too serious. Sometimes, their fights go to extreme level that [...]

By |2019-07-06T12:49:38+05:30November 22nd, 2017|Exclusive Blogs, Happiness, Health, Stress|2 Comments

Stress buster – Charisma of old Friends

Blog 37 This blog is gonna prove again that why old friends are special & what is their charisma. I’m sure that what I am gonna share with this blog is a common thing among friends, among good friends. We have [...]

By |2019-07-06T12:51:14+05:30November 17th, 2017|Exclusive Blogs, Happiness, Stress|2 Comments

How to make travelling easier (No boredom & gain knowledge)

Blog 27 You must have heard from people that return from travel and saying that i exhausted & tired of my travelling. Many often says that my travelling was plain boring & i didn’t enjoy it. Some would say that [...]

By |2019-06-19T15:29:57+05:30October 29th, 2017|Exclusive Blogs, Happiness, Stress, Travel|1 Comment

Use Goosebumps for Motivation & Success

Blog 24 Guys tell me something today that when all you get goosebumps. I’m sure there could be many occasions, moments when you get goosebumps and the interesting thing is that we never sure about the time. You never know [...]

By |2019-06-19T15:26:57+05:30October 21st, 2017|Exclusive Blogs, Self Motivation, Stress|0 Comments

How to deal with travel stress – Motivation N You

Blog 22 We've to travel at least sometimes through our life. Many people have to travel a lot sometimes willingly or unwillingly. On the other hand, many people are fond of travelling, they just love to travel. Many people don't [...]

By |2019-06-19T15:22:39+05:30October 17th, 2017|Exclusive Blogs, Mind, Stress|1 Comment
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