When I started my career, everyone used to say that he just know action. I always think ‘change’ is the most important thing in anyone’s life.

Everytime when someone tries to put an image on me, I have always jumped to some other image.

To be honest, I have just been myself. Being yourself, that is an extra ordinary thing.

Don’t run with the crowd, crave your own path. If no one joins you, doesn’t matter, walk alone. Do something of your own, something will definitely work out.

For me, my career has not just been a career. It’s been my passion. And the day, a man’s work become his passion, then no one could stop that person to become successful.

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I always wait to get up in morning and start working. Since childhood till date, there hasn’t been a day when I haven’t seen the rising sun.

My routine starts at morning 4 o’clock. This is the only time from 4 am to 5 am, when I am alone. And that is the best time when i think what should I do. A person needs atleast one hour everyday for himself to think and contemplate.

I work eight hours everyday, eight hours are good enough. But, in these eight hours, I am on the set. I don’t move away from the set, I don’t go and sit in my vanity van.

In our country, I see so many people have problem of obesity. Couldn’t you just give one hour of exercise, everyday to your body? There is no need to eat after 6:30pm. Your body doesn’t need that much food.

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Follow these tips, and see how much your health will improve. It’s a simple thing. This is all in your hands. Your health is in your hands, your life is in your hands. This is the most simple thing, we make it very complicated.


Also Read : Motivational Speech of Amitabh Bachchan | Importance of Knowledge

(Source : Internet)